Wills & Estate Planning
"A well developed Estate Plan will protect you and your family against future life events and ensure that your loved ones are cared for according to your wishes."

Estate Planning
Our number one priority is to care for our families. Appropriate insurances protect against common life events. Less readily discussed is the inevitable demise of our mental agility and our death, or the possibility that we may become incapacitated sooner than anticipated. For many, life's events run their course, leaving family estates vulnerable to unnecessary taxes and expenses which erode what would otherwise have benefited loved ones.
Estate planning entails putting in place a financial strategy for the structuring of your estate to best deal with financial risk.
While the most obvious risk is your death, unexpected life events such as illness, disability, relationship breakdown or bankruptcy can affect you and those close to you with devastating outcomes.
The best way to protect your family is to establish your estate plan while you are still able to do so. This would typically entail a review of your assets with a view to adopting tax-efficient ownership structures and detailing clear instructions as to their distribution in the event of your death. Clarity of your intention will also assist in minimising family discord or protracted court proceedings.
"We found Deborah to be insightful and thorough. She is a pleasure to deal with and we recommend her to anyone in need of a Will."
Janice & Colin
At Baxter Warne Legal we can assist you with:
Developing your Estate Plan,
Power of Attorney
Enduring Guardianship,
Living Wills, Advanced Care Directives
Simple Wills,
Mutual Wills,
Testamentary Trust Wills,
Disability Trusts,
Superannuation Death Benefit Nominations,
Self Managed Super Funds,
Application for Probate & Estate Distribution,
Intestate Estate Distribution,
Contested Estates.
Your Will
A properly prepared Will is an essential document. This is particularly important should you marry or enter into a de facto relationship, start your family or if you have or have had in the past, financial dependants. Making a simple Will is generally straightforward.
For a Will to be valid, it must satisfy a number of legal requirements. An invalid or poorly drafted Will will require additional work for your Executor in the administration of your estate, incurring additional costs which are bourne by your estate.
Some gifts may fail, causing an intended beneficiary to be unintentionally overlooked or receive a lesser share than intended. Or the Will or parts of it may be declared invalid and set aside. Such deficiencies may leave your Will open to challenge by a disgruntled beneficiary or someone with valid entitlement but who was excluded from your Will.
Get in touch.
If you wish to discuss a legal matter get in touch with us today for a complimentary initial consultation.
Telephone: 02) 8006 7396
Email: deborah@baxterwarnelegal.com